Don’t let terrorists dictate your life

Don’t let terrorists dictate your life

When the news of the terrorist bombings in Belgium reached me I was filled with unbelief and then I got very angry. Which #@é&&!# dared to mess with my people at home, with my small beautiful country. There has been a lot of bombings lately, in Paris, Istanbul, Pakistan, Tunisia, but you never get used to it. Every time again I grieved. For humanity. But when I heard about the terrorist attacks in my home country it just hit me right in the heart.

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A day in Singapore!

A day in Singapore!

The airport in Singapore is the BEST. Are you wondering why I start with an airport when writing about the city? Well, it is of course the place where you arrive and it is awesome. First of all, it is enormous. Second, it is very passenger friendly. There is free wifi, there are quiet resting areas with comfortable long chairs, many food corners  and for the shoppers under us, there is heaps of choice. But what I love most of all are the free leg massage chairs, yes you read it well, free! You put your legs in that comfy chair, lay back and just enjoy. As long as you want!

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17 reasons why you should visit India

17 reasons why you should visit India

India has never been on top of my must-do-list. But after visiting it, I can only shout: go there!! It appears that you or adore the country or you just hate it. I’m in the first category, but I have to admit there were days I loved and hated it at the same time. India surprised me with its many different sides, of whom I didn’t know they existed. So here 17 reasons why you should visit India.

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Movie stars and photobombs at an Indian wedding

Movie stars and photobombs at an Indian wedding

India? Ok, why not!

When planning where to go in the world, I mostly let my gut feeling decide. If I hear mind blowing stories about a country, it will probably end up on my list. To be honest, India was not on my list. So many countries where I wanted to go and India wasn’t one of them.

But then came that email, an invitation of my high school girlfriend. She announced that she’s marrying her Indian boyfriend, first in Belgium and then in India. I smiled when I got the invitation, I knew immediately what was going to happen. I’m going to INDIA. At that moment I was in Australia and India was not in my ‘schedule’, I had to figure some stuff out, but when you have an opportunity like that, you grab it with both hands.

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One year and a half later…

One year and a half later…

I’m writing these words from a sunny café in Christchurch, New Zealand. This week I went indoor climbing, rock climbing and to the ballet. Tomorrow I’m going canyoning. I tell to myself, life is pretty good.

I can’t believe how fast time flies. One year and a half ago I quit my job to travel. Bye vtm– newsroom, bye family and friends and bye good life. I’m ready for an even better life. Looking back on all those things I’ve done I get a warm fuzzy feeling inside. I challenged myself to go travelling alone, I met great people, did crazy stuff and saw beautiful things. Of course there are lonely and sad moments, but after a while you’re not afraid of those anymore and they only make you stronger.

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Sir, Madam, photo please?

India is a vibrant place with lots of things happening. I love exploring all the things it has to offer, but sometimes I also look for a bit of rest and peace. Especially when I’m travelling for a longer time.

I tried to find that peace in a botanical garden in India. Well… don’t go to a botanical garden in India. From the second the boyfriend and I sat down in the grass, people came over en masse. “Sir, Madam, Photo please?”

The first time it is funny and we have a laugh; but when they keep coming you start to wonder if you will ever get that rest!

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