Nice to meet you, India!

Nice to meet you, India!

My first week and a half in India has been hot, noisy, chaotic and pretty, but most of all interesting.

We arrived in Chennai, a busy city on the east coast in the province Tamil Nadu. Imagine a lot of people, noise and smells. The streets are packed with cars, motorbikes, bicycles and here and there a cow. And all of them are honking the whole time.

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How to prepare for India?

india-kerala-walks-and-wildlife-56215Tomorrow I leave for India! AAAAH. I am so looking forward to it, but I am also a bit nervous. Finally a country that’s going to be so much different to what I’m used to. I’m already preparing myself for a little culture shock. India is an amazing country with beautiful nature, but it also has his share of poverty, dirt and chaos.

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