What to do in Rotorua if you don’t like Spas

What to do in Rotorua if you don’t like Spas

First: if you like spa and wellness, great! You’re in the right spot, Rotorua is known as a spa town. And of course, it is THE place to be for geothermal activity and geysers.

You would like to see a geyser erupt? Check!
You’d like to see hot steam escaping out of gardens and cracks in the road? Check!
You love the penetrating smell of sulphur in your nostrils? Check!

These are all awesome (and smelly) things to experience, but there is so much more around!

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17 reasons why you should visit India

17 reasons why you should visit India

India has never been on top of my must-do-list. But after visiting it, I can only shout: go there!! It appears that you or adore the country or you just hate it. I’m in the first category, but I have to admit there were days I loved and hated it at the same time. India surprised me with its many different sides, of whom I didn’t know they existed. So here 17 reasons why you should visit India.

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Weekends in New Zealand

Weekends in New Zealand

I love the weekends in New Zealand. A break from daily life – which is already pretty awesome – and a big hug with nature. I live in Christchurch, which doesn’t have the nicest citycenter, but it has the best location on the South Island. You are close to everything. A couple of hours driving and you’re in Arthurs Pass, a bit further and you’re in Lewis pass and on the West Coast. North there is Kaikoura and south Dunedin and the Catlins. So many options.

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Movie stars and photobombs at an Indian wedding

Movie stars and photobombs at an Indian wedding

India? Ok, why not!

When planning where to go in the world, I mostly let my gut feeling decide. If I hear mind blowing stories about a country, it will probably end up on my list. To be honest, India was not on my list. So many countries where I wanted to go and India wasn’t one of them.

But then came that email, an invitation of my high school girlfriend. She announced that she’s marrying her Indian boyfriend, first in Belgium and then in India. I smiled when I got the invitation, I knew immediately what was going to happen. I’m going to INDIA. At that moment I was in Australia and India was not in my ‘schedule’, I had to figure some stuff out, but when you have an opportunity like that, you grab it with both hands.

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Beer tasting in New Zealand

I like beer. Coming from Belgium, I can actually say I like it a lot. So I was a bit surprised what I found on the countryside in New Zealand.

New Zealand is known for its good wines, but beer-wise it isn’t yet as far. If you like wine tasting, this country is the place, go to Napier on the North Island or Marlborough on the South Island or many more. That’s what my friends and I did. Enjoying the sun in the Marlborough region, eating great salmon and lamb and sipping on wines. A regular weekend turned into a holiday.

We were happily on our way to the third winery when we saw a sign: ‘Moa Brewery and Cellar Door”. Bye bye wine, hello beer!

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