One year and a half later…

One year and a half later…

I’m writing these words from a sunny café in Christchurch, New Zealand. This week I went indoor climbing, rock climbing and to the ballet. Tomorrow I’m going canyoning. I tell to myself, life is pretty good.

I can’t believe how fast time flies. One year and a half ago I quit my job to travel. Bye vtm– newsroom, bye family and friends and bye good life. I’m ready for an even better life. Looking back on all those things I’ve done I get a warm fuzzy feeling inside. I challenged myself to go travelling alone, I met great people, did crazy stuff and saw beautiful things. Of course there are lonely and sad moments, but after a while you’re not afraid of those anymore and they only make you stronger.

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Sir, Madam, photo please?

India is a vibrant place with lots of things happening. I love exploring all the things it has to offer, but sometimes I also look for a bit of rest and peace. Especially when I’m travelling for a longer time.

I tried to find that peace in a botanical garden in India. Well… don’t go to a botanical garden in India. From the second the boyfriend and I sat down in the grass, people came over en masse. “Sir, Madam, Photo please?”

The first time it is funny and we have a laugh; but when they keep coming you start to wonder if you will ever get that rest!

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Nice to meet you, India!

Nice to meet you, India!

My first week and a half in India has been hot, noisy, chaotic and pretty, but most of all interesting.

We arrived in Chennai, a busy city on the east coast in the province Tamil Nadu. Imagine a lot of people, noise and smells. The streets are packed with cars, motorbikes, bicycles and here and there a cow. And all of them are honking the whole time.

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