Sir, Madam, photo please?

India is a vibrant place with lots of things happening. I love exploring all the things it has to offer, but sometimes I also look for a bit of rest and peace. Especially when I’m travelling for a longer time.

I tried to find that peace in a botanical garden in India. Well… don’t go to a botanical garden in India. From the second the boyfriend and I sat down in the grass, people came over en masse. “Sir, Madam, Photo please?”

The first time it is funny and we have a laugh; but when they keep coming you start to wonder if you will ever get that rest!

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Nice to meet you, India!

Nice to meet you, India!

My first week and a half in India has been hot, noisy, chaotic and pretty, but most of all interesting.

We arrived in Chennai, a busy city on the east coast in the province Tamil Nadu. Imagine a lot of people, noise and smells. The streets are packed with cars, motorbikes, bicycles and here and there a cow. And all of them are honking the whole time.

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How to prepare for India?

india-kerala-walks-and-wildlife-56215Tomorrow I leave for India! AAAAH. I am so looking forward to it, but I am also a bit nervous. Finally a country that’s going to be so much different to what I’m used to. I’m already preparing myself for a little culture shock. India is an amazing country with beautiful nature, but it also has his share of poverty, dirt and chaos.

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On the road again

I’m taking off again.. After a month of ‘Belgiumness’ it is time for my new adventure.

Tomorrow I fly to France, to start a trip with my boyfriend and his motorbike. I didn’t share this on the blog before, but that (French) guy is one of the many beautiful things New Zealand was hiding – one I discovered. I will save you all the cheesy details.

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Good old Belgium

Good old Belgium

So yes, I am back in Belgium… It’s been almost two weeks now. And it feels weird!

My first days were amazing, seeing my family and friends again. A nice brunch at my brothers place with my brand new nephew, a big BBQ the day after with the rest of my family, drinks and food with my girls, a bachelor party for one of my girlfriends that’s getting married, and so on. Moments of happiness!
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Why couchsurfing is a must!

Why couchsurfing is a must!

I’ve been a big fan of Couchsurfing since the first second. That’s why I think it’s time I share this magnificent medium with the world.

As the word explains, you stay on the couch of someone. You can stay one, two or more nights, don’t need to pay, but it is definitely not a hotel. Couchsurfing is about exchanging cultures, travel stories, experience; meeting people that are the same and yet so different than you. I find it the best way to discover a country. You see everything from the eyes of a local. You live for a couple of days their life, and that can be so rewarding. Much more than being the typical tourist and only do the main highlights.

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