Doubtful Sound: a Photo Diary

Doubtful Sound: a Photo Diary

Tucked away in the southwest corner of New Zealand lies Doubtful Sound. It’s one of Fiordland’s many fiords and is remote, wild and definitely worth the visit.

Most tourists go to Milford Sound, because it is easier accessible than the other sounds, and it also looks stunning of course. But don’t pass Doubtful Sound, it is bigger than Milford and very different. You’ll feel humbled being there.

Milford Sound isn’t the only Sound worth visiting in New Zealand.

Unlike Milford, there is no direct road access to Doubtful Sound. The only way to get there is by a 1h cruise across Lake Manapouri and a coach trip over Wilmot Pass. Because it isn’t easy to go there on your own, I teamed up with the local and family-owned Real Journeys for a day trip.

The trip to the start of our Doubtful Sound cruise was already beautiful, but once we were on the big boat in the Sound I was just blown away. Doubtful Sound is extremely vast (3x longer than Milford) and almost untouched by man. It’s also sometimes called the ‘Sound of Silence’, because – yes you guess it – it is so silent.

Doubtful Sound cruising
Our beautiful ship is ready!
Reflections in Doubtful Sound
Water is so calm that it creates reflections.

The calm water was mesmerising. It was a cold and crisp day, but I just didn’t want to go inside. We spent three hours on the water in the Sound, but I could’ve stayed much longer. Real Journeys also offers overnight cruises, but only unfortunately for me, not in winter. Spending a night on the water would be a dream.

Cruise on Doubtful Sound
Vast mountains all around you.
Exploring Doubtful Sound, New Zealand
It’s like entering a new world.
Doubtful Sound cruising
Is it real or a painting? 🙂
Gorgeous Doubtful Sound
The water (and scenery) is just mesmerising.
Doubtful Sound New Zealand
Classy interior to warm up!
Doubtful Sound, New Zealand
Mountains everywhere.
Doubtful Sound exploring
Who wouldn’t want those views?
Doubtful Sound Cruise
One of the ‘arms’ in Doubtful Sound.
Doubtful Sound cruising
I could’ve stayed a week here!
Lake Manapouri sunset
Beautiful sunset on Lake Manapouri on the way back.

What a perfect day.


A Photo Diary of Doubtful Sound, in New Zealand

Disclosure: the day trip on Doubtful Sound was offered to me by Real Journeys. My opinions, stay as always my own. Since arriving in New Zealand, I’ve always wanted to visit Doubtful Sound, I’m happy I did now and that I can share this beautiful location with you. 


12 thoughts on “Doubtful Sound: a Photo Diary

  1. My husband and I took both Doubtful and Milford Sound cruises on our recent trip to NZ and absolutely loved both. Even though some people can get fjorded out, I’m so glad we did both. You captured the stillness and awe-inspiring beauty of Doubtful Sound so well.

    1. Haha I’m happy it ended on your never-ending list 😀 So much beauty in this world, and Doubtful Sound is definitely amongst it!

  2. This is something I’ve always wanted to do! As well as Milford Sound. New Zealand’s South Island is stunningly beautiful and your photos have captured that perfectly. Postcards everywhere you look 😍 Thanks for sharing your experience!

  3. New Zealand is one of my favourite countries. I really need to get back there and explore more. I visited Doubtful Sound as a kid but really want to go back.

    1. Hi Lisa, very cool you’ve visited New Zealand! There is so much to see, right? I think you could keep on visiting it for the rest of your life 🙂 Doubtful Sound is definitely one of my favourite spots!

  4. My wife and I did the overnight cruise here in early March 2017. The entire experience was fantastic in every way. Would highly recommend, and have many times.

    1. Oh you did the overnight cruise? I’m jealous 🙂 I’m great to hear that the experience was fantastic, and I didn’t have any doubt about that. It’s such a special and beautiful place!

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