Tucked away in the southwest corner of New Zealand lies Doubtful Sound. It’s one of Fiordland’s many fiords and is remote, wild and definitely worth the visit. Continue reading
Tag: New Zealand
A Girls’ Guide to Akaroa
How to spend a perfect girls weekend in Akaroa? First you need a few girls. I got that sorted quickly, with my lovely friends Vanessa ansd Nancy being on board for a weekend away.
Why you should visit Wanaka in New Zealand!
I’ve been going a bit crazy on social media with photos of Roys peak in Wanaka. I just love that place and would post 100 pictures, but I guess that would be overkill. So I’ll just keep it at a few words.
Weekends in New Zealand
I love the weekends in New Zealand. A break from daily life – which is already pretty awesome – and a big hug with nature. I live in Christchurch, which doesn’t have the nicest citycenter, but it has the best location on the South Island. You are close to everything. A couple of hours driving and you’re in Arthurs Pass, a bit further and you’re in Lewis pass and on the West Coast. North there is Kaikoura and south Dunedin and the Catlins. So many options.
One year and a half later…
I’m writing these words from a sunny café in Christchurch, New Zealand. This week I went indoor climbing, rock climbing and to the ballet. Tomorrow I’m going canyoning. I tell to myself, life is pretty good.
I can’t believe how fast time flies. One year and a half ago I quit my job to travel. Bye vtm– newsroom, bye family and friends and bye good life. I’m ready for an even better life. Looking back on all those things I’ve done I get a warm fuzzy feeling inside. I challenged myself to go travelling alone, I met great people, did crazy stuff and saw beautiful things. Of course there are lonely and sad moments, but after a while you’re not afraid of those anymore and they only make you stronger.
Beer tasting in New Zealand
I like beer. Coming from Belgium, I can actually say I like it a lot. So I was a bit surprised what I found on the countryside in New Zealand.
New Zealand is known for its good wines, but beer-wise it isn’t yet as far. If you like wine tasting, this country is the place, go to Napier on the North Island or Marlborough on the South Island or many more. That’s what my friends and I did. Enjoying the sun in the Marlborough region, eating great salmon and lamb and sipping on wines. A regular weekend turned into a holiday.
We were happily on our way to the third winery when we saw a sign: ‘Moa Brewery and Cellar Door”. Bye bye wine, hello beer!
Good old Belgium
So yes, I am back in Belgium… It’s been almost two weeks now. And it feels weird!
My first days were amazing, seeing my family and friends again. A nice brunch at my brothers place with my brand new nephew, a big BBQ the day after with the rest of my family, drinks and food with my girls, a bachelor party for one of my girlfriends that’s getting married, and so on. Moments of happiness!
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Good bye New Zealand
I am back in Australia. After 6 months New Zealand I had to come back to visit the East Coast. Unfortunately I have only 3 weeks left before I fly back to Belgium. The weather here is lovely! Today I did a walk and some sunbathing at the beach. And that’s what they call winter in Queensland. I can live with that.
Sunny days in Tasman Bay
The difference between the North and South island is immense. When I arrived a couple of months ago on the South Island I was so impressed by the mountains, I can just keep looking at them. So big, beautiful and yet quiet. I feel spoiled.
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New Zealand Trip: 14 years later
I’ve always wanted to go on a New Zealand trip, that far far away country on the other side of the planet. My love – or curiosity – for the island began in my first year in high school. Thanks to Mister Claes, the geography teacher.