Rottnest Island: home of the cutest animal in the world

Rottnest Island: home of the cutest animal in the world

Have you ever been to Australia? If so, you know how huge it is. There is just so much to see and do. And it’s even worse. It’s not only the mainland you have to keep in mind. Don’t forget the cool islands around Australia, they’re definitely worth a visit.

One of my favourite ones is Rottnest Island. It is cute, little and only a short ferry-ride away from Fremantle (under Perth).

Rottnest Island ocean

I went on a little getaway when I was living in Fremantle (also very cute). My partner in crime was Ann, a fellow traveller who I’d met in the Australian outback. We bumped into each other somewhere in the middle of nowhere, me with my road trip gang, she with hers. We exchanged numbers and a month later we decided put foot in Fremantle.

When I think of Rottnest I think: quokkas, biking, beach and sun.

Quokka Rottnest Island
Meet: the quokka
Quokka Rottnest Island
Knock, knock

Quokkas are very weird and super cute animals, who live on Rottnest Island. Be prepared, they are everywhere and they’re the king of the island. It looks like a very small kangaroo (although some think they’re huge rats) and it is NOT afraid of people! Quite a cool experience to be on a tiny island with that many fearless small ‘kangaroos’. Be sure to close your tents and store your food away, because they will come for it.

Ann and I stayed three days on the island and in my opinion that’s enough. The island is 19kmbig and there’s a population of around 100 people. It is a popular holiday destination, so try to go off-season. Ann and I went a weekend in (usually busy) November, but it was super quiet, so I guess you can be lucky sometimes!

Rottnest Island ocean
One of many calm bays
Blue ocean Rottnest Australia
Fifty shades of blue

A visit to this island will also be good for your body. Cars are not allowed, so biking is the way to go! Rent a bike and cruise around! The roads are well paved, there are some nice hills to climb, you’ll discover lakes, a lighthouse and beautiful bays. If you’re lucky you can also spot some dolphins!

Don’t forget to bring your bathing suit and snorkel gear. Rottnest’s main feature are its hidden, small bays. And there are plenty, so you’ll definitely find some privacy. There are even wrecks you can snorkel or dive to.

Rottnest Island Bay
One of the more popular bays

If you can, stay overnight. A lot of tourists visit the island only for 1 day. Try to avoid a quick visit. Bring a tent, stay on the campground and get lost on the many roads.

Rottnest Island is a perfect weekend away from the Australian mainland. It’s small, cute, you’ll meet amazing quokkas and feel good pushing that bike. Did you know that the name Rottnest comes from the Dutch word for rat’s nest? Centuries ago the quokkas were mistaken for rats… But believe me, they’re not rats! I don’t see rats to things like this, right?

Quokka kiss Australia
Ann making new friends

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