VIDEO: Discover Christchurch

VIDEO: Discover Christchurch

Update 2018: Unfortunately the container mall doesn’t exist anymore. The mall was only temporary and is being replaced by new buildings now. 

In 2011 almost 80% of the Christchurch’s city center was damaged after an earthquake. Most of it got demolished – which left Christchurch empty and a little bit dead. Five years later there are still many empty spaces (turned into car parks) and abandoned buildings in town, which doesn’t always make the city look very attractive in tourists’ eyes.

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No, Christchurch is not dead!

No, Christchurch is not dead!

I’ve been living a year and half in Christchurch and I have to admit that I haven’t spent enough time in it. But that has to change. Christchurch is turning into such a unique and cool city, and this is why:

Christchurch was hit hard by earthquakes in 2010 and 2011. To give you an idea: almost 80% of the city centre was damaged and had to be demolished. Can you imagine? Now, 5 years later there are still many empty spaces (turned into car parks) and abandoned buildings in town, which doesn’t make the city look very attractive in tourists’ eyes.

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VIDEO: Wildlife in Dunedin

VIDEO: Wildlife in Dunedin

Almost two weeks ago I went down south. No huge mountains this time, but a lot of nature, ocean and wildlife. You might know I have a soft spot for native birds, especially the kiwi bird.  But I shamefully admit that I don’t know much about other New Zealand wildlife.

Lucky me when I got invited to a Nature Frother Instameet. I can already see you raising your eyebrows. Nature frothers? What is that? I had the same reaction at first. A nature frother is someone who gets so excited about encountering the wonders of nature that they could start frothing at the mouth any moment. Yep, sounds like me! Sign me up!

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VIDEO: Walking Abel Tasman Coast Track

VIDEO: Walking Abel Tasman Coast Track

One of my favourite things about New Zealand is that the scenery is so diverse. You have the impressive mountains, clear blue lakes, lush native forest and golden beaches. I was a bit surprised about the latter when I first arrived in New Zealand. There are nice golden beaches? Little did I know that they weren’t just there – but that they were also crazy beautiful. A perfect example is Abel Tasman National Park.

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A day in Abel Tasman National Park

A day in Abel Tasman National Park

It’s been just over a week now since I’m back in New Zealand and I’ve had no time to give in to that jet lag. My three weeks in Belgium were amazing, but very intense. I had no time to relax, but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make if that means catching up with my friends and family. Not that being back in New Zealand is less intense. I immediately started working again, jumped on all the writing and editing pieces stored in my head and went on little adventures.

One of those adventures is Abel Tasman National Park, one of New Zealand’s smaller National Parks – it is ‘only’ 225km2 – but such a scenic one.  Think golden beaches, turquoise water and lush native forest. I spent a day exploring this lovely park.

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On a holiday to… home?

On a holiday to… home?

You know it’s been a long time when you are looking up restaurants in your home city. That’s right, I am booking a dinner with some girlfriends next week in… Belgium! I’m visiting Belgium!

And I have no idea what’s still there, what’s cosy and delicious. It’s a very weird feeling, as I used to know the newest spots in town. Now I need to rely on Google..

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Otago in autumn: a fairytale world

Otago in autumn: a fairytale world

It is that time of the year… Scarf, beanie, gloves. Winter is here. It’s beautiful and great, but it also means that the autumn in New Zealand is over…

And isn’t that just the season that turns this country into a real life fairy tale! I think I could even use the word magical.

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Beauty in my New Zealand backyard

Beauty in my New Zealand backyard

I got asked today by a Kiwi “Why would you move to NZ?”. I didn’t know what to answer for a second. In my mind it is obvious why a European moves to New Zealand, but she didn’t see it. Life in New Zealand is great, and I feel like there are a few Kiwis who don’t realise how stunning their country is.

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