Beers, fries and driving like a granny

Beers, fries and driving like a granny

My week in Belgium has been fast, busy and pretty great. It feels like I’ve been here way longer or like I never left!

I never expected this, but the weather is so good. During the day it’s sunny and 28 degrees –  can you imagine, coming from 0 degrees at night in New Zealand? I especially adore the long days! I wake up every day at 6.30am (jetlag?), see the light through the curtains and think it’s 9am. It feels like I’m tricking the world, by flying from a NZ winter into a Belgian summer.

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On a holiday to… home?

On a holiday to… home?

You know it’s been a long time when you are looking up restaurants in your home city. That’s right, I am booking a dinner with some girlfriends next week in… Belgium! I’m visiting Belgium!

And I have no idea what’s still there, what’s cosy and delicious. It’s a very weird feeling, as I used to know the newest spots in town. Now I need to rely on Google..

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