New Zealand From Above: Tasman Region

New Zealand From Above: Tasman Region

I’ve been almost three years in this gorgeous country and I have seen so much. I’ve done endless road trips, crawled over mountains, discovered little hidden spots, swam in the ocean and much more. But never had I seen this country from the sky. Until last November, when I flew over Mount Cook National Park and the Mackenzie region. I couldn’t believe my eyes seeing New Zealand from Above. Beee-eautiful!

The experience was that amazing that I decided to make a project out of it: New Zealand From Above. I never realised how different an area looks from the sky than from the ground. I want to share this bird’s eye view of New Zealand with you.

After Mount Cook it was time for my second flight. This time the Tasman region, with Abel Tasman National Park, Kahurangi National Park and the many beaches. So different than snowy Mount Cook, but also very beautiful. This time I flew above the ocean, beaches, little lakes, forests and mountains.

Have a look yourself, what do you think?

Abel Tasman National Park coast line
Abel Tasman National Park’s wild coast line
New Zealand From Above
Wainui Bay from above
The many little lakes of Kahurangi National Park
The many little lakes of Kahurangi National Park
Abel Tasman National Park
Abel Tasman National Park from a bird’s eye view
The many bays of Abel Tasman National Park
The many bays of Abel Tasman National Park
Kahurangi National Park from above
Kahurangi National Park
Kahurangi National Park
Reflections in Kahurangi National Park
Beautiful mountain ranges in Kahurangi National Park
Beautiful mountain ranges
Hidden lake in Kahurangi National Park
Hidden lake in Kahurangi National Park
Wharariki Beach from above
Wharariki Beach

As you can see, there is so much to discover in this region!

When you’re in the area I highly recommend visiting Wharariki Beach, a beautiful beach with lots to discover. Check it out here.

Also pay a visit to the Abel Tasman National Park. Great for day (or longer) walks, kayaking and camping. I made a little video about a trip to the park.

Thanks Golden Bay Air for letting me fly high above New Zealand!

5 thoughts on “New Zealand From Above: Tasman Region

  1. Beautiful photos and commentary confirming what I’ve been saying for decades about the wider Nelson region. It is the best place in Australasia in which to bring up a family. I was born in Australia and was the last secretary of the Abel Tasman and Nelson Lakes National Park Boards before the new National Parks Act in 1980 changed the role of National Park Boards. I later went on to play an important part as Deputy Regional Manager in the setting up of the Department of Conservation in the Nelson Marlborough region so got to learn a lot about the natural beauty of this great part of NZ.

    1. Hi Robin, thanks for your lovely comment. I agree with you that Nelson region is great to live. The sun, the nature, the peaceful way of living is just perfect there! It must have been very interesting for you to work with the parks there. I’m sure you’ve seen so much beauty 🙂

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