The World is a Circus

Wild Castle Point in pictures

Sunset at Castle Point Lighthouse

Twelve days. That was what I had during the recent Christmas holidays. Twelve days to travel. It was the perfect chance to discover the New Zealand North Island a bit more. Because I am based on the South Island I hardly spend time in the North. I do have the occasionally weekend visits, but hardly stay longer than a few days.

It ended up being twelve days of wild New Zealand, with many highlights. To name a few: I walked on an active volcano, witnessed beautiful sunsets, hung out with some crazy friends and then: Castle Point.

Castle Point blew my mind. You can actually take that quite literally as it is a super windy spot. It is a piece of wild, pure New Zealand without being flooded by tourists.

The main attraction is the Castle Point Lighthouse, but there is so much more to it. Give yourself a bit more time to explore this rugged piece of nature. I saw the biggest waves I’ve ever seen, witnessed a beautiful sunset and explored (read: crawled on) awesome rocks and cliffs.

This is a must. See yourself:

I wonder if they realize that wave is there…
Dreamy sunset on Castle Rock.
One hazy afternoon.
Exploring the rocks and chasing waves.
Castle Point Lighthouse at sunset.
Big waves crashing onto the rocks – all the time.

Wanting to go there yourself? Castle Point is near the village of Castlepoint, only a 2,5 hour drive east of Wellington.

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