The World is a Circus

On a holiday to… home?

Leuven oude markt

You know it’s been a long time when you are looking up restaurants in your home city. That’s right, I am booking a dinner with some girlfriends next week in… Belgium! I’m visiting Belgium!

And I have no idea what’s still there, what’s cosy and delicious. It’s a very weird feeling, as I used to know the newest spots in town. Now I need to rely on Google..

After almost 1,5 years in New Zealand it’s finally time to visit my lovely home country, time to inhale the history of our cities, eat good mussels and fries, go to Ikea, drink the best beers and most of all catch up with my friends and family!


I am so nervous and I don’t really know why. I’ve been looking forward to this moment for months and now it’s here. I guess that would make everyone nervous, right?

Besides the nervous feelings I’m also very excited. Although I’m away every weekend on a little New Zealand adventure, it’s been a while since I took a long flight. And it’s a loooong flight.  Four planes in about 36 hours. But that’s all easy peasy thinking that I will see my family and friends soon again.

This week my little brother (11) told my dad out of the blue: “I am so happy dad”.  Dad: “Ah, why is that son?” – “Because my sister is arriving Saturday”.

That makes me melt like an ice cream on a hot day. Mix that with the sweetest emails from family and friends saying they’re so excited that it feels like they’re expecting a baby and it’s almost like I’m being ‘reborn’ (I love my weird family); emails that they’ll spoil me like crazy and can’t wait to go shopping with me (YES!); people taking time off for me and messages to plan some bubble cava time – and you find me with a big smile even thinking about all that love!

I’m also curious how it will feel to go on a holiday in Belgium. Will it feel like a holiday? Or will it feel like New Zealand was just another life and Belgium is still my home? That’s for me to find out and I will keep you posted!

I think it’s obvious there is a rollercoaster of emotions going through me 🙂

What I know for sure is that I will behave like a tourist when I’ll be visiting Belgium. I’ll go to cities, cafes and restaurants to feature them on the blog. There is just too much beauty in our little country to ignore that.

Have you ever been on a holiday in your home country? How did it feel? Any advice for me?


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